Migration to v2


The migration from version 1 to version 2 introduces several significant changes that can cause errors if the same code is used without modification. It is highly recommended to review the updated tutorials. This guide aims to help you avoid common pitfalls during the migration process.

Checking Success: Use elapse() == 0

In version 1, elapse function returns True on success and False otherwise. Typically, the strategy loop checks for successful elapsing using while elapse(duration). However, in version 2, elapse returns a code instead of a boolean, with 0 indicating success and any other value indicating an error. Consequently, the code should be updated to check if the return value equals 0.

For instance: while elapse(duration) == 0 If the code remains unchanged, it will fail because a return value of 0 (indicating success) will be treated as False. Other methods that involve elapsing, such as submit_buy_order or submit_sell_order, also return a code similar to elapse instead of a boolean. Ensure to check if their return values equal 0 to confirm success instead of checking for True.

Data Format Changes

The data format fed into HftBacktest has undergone significant changes. It is strongly recommended to reprocess the data from raw data to preserve all information. However, if raw data is unavailable, the data conversion utility from v1 to v2 is provided.

The major changes are as follows:

  • SOA to AOS: The format has shifted from a columnar array (SOA) to a structured array (AOS).

  • Side Column Removal: side column has been removed. In version 2, the side is indicated by the ev field flags, BUY_EVENT and SELL_EVENT.

  • Timestamp Handling: In version 1, the data utility corrects the event order by replacing one of the timestamps with -1 to indicate an invalid event on either the exchange or the local side. In version 2, the validity of events on the exchange or local side is determined by ev field’s EXCH_EVENT and LOCAL_EVENT flags.

  • Timestamp Unit: Although not strictly enforced, the timestamp unit has changed from microseconds to nanoseconds.

Additionally, the format for live order latency data has changed from SOA to AOS.