Working with Market Depth and Trades
Display 3-depth
from numba import njit
def print_3depth(hbt):
while hbt.elapse(60_000_000_000) == 0:
print('current_timestamp:', hbt.current_timestamp)
# Gets the market depth for the first asset, in the same order as when you created the backtest.
depth = hbt.depth(0)
# a key of bid_depth or ask_depth is price in ticks.
# (integer) price_tick = rice / tick_size
i = 0
for price_tick in range(depth.best_ask_tick, depth.best_ask_tick + 100):
qty = depth.ask_qty_at_tick(price_tick)
if qty > 0:
'ask: ',
np.round(price_tick * depth.tick_size, 1)
i += 1
if i == 3:
i = 0
for price_tick in range(depth.best_bid_tick, max(depth.best_bid_tick - 100, 0), -1):
qty = depth.bid_qty_at_tick(price_tick)
if qty > 0:
'bid: ',
np.round(price_tick * depth.tick_size, 1)
i += 1
if i == 3:
return True
import numpy as np
btcusdt_20240809 = np.load('usdm/btcusdt_20240809.npz')['data']
btcusdt_20240808_eod = np.load('usdm/btcusdt_20240808_eod.npz')['data']
from hftbacktest import BacktestAsset, HashMapMarketDepthBacktest
asset = (
.constant_latency(10_000_000, 10_000_000)
.trading_value_fee_model(0.0002, 0.0007)
hbt = HashMapMarketDepthBacktest([asset])
_ = hbt.close()
current_timestamp: 1723161661500000000
ask: 1.759 @ 61594.2
ask: 0.006 @ 61594.4
ask: 0.114 @ 61595.2
bid: 3.526 @ 61594.1
bid: 0.016 @ 61594.0
bid: 0.002 @ 61593.9
current_timestamp: 1723161721500000000
ask: 2.575 @ 61576.6
ask: 0.004 @ 61576.7
ask: 0.455 @ 61577.0
bid: 2.558 @ 61576.5
bid: 0.002 @ 61576.0
bid: 0.515 @ 61575.5
current_timestamp: 1723161781500000000
ask: 0.131 @ 61629.7
ask: 0.005 @ 61630.1
ask: 0.005 @ 61630.5
bid: 5.742 @ 61629.6
bid: 0.247 @ 61629.4
bid: 0.034 @ 61629.3
current_timestamp: 1723161841500000000
ask: 0.202 @ 61621.6
ask: 0.002 @ 61622.5
ask: 0.003 @ 61622.6
bid: 3.488 @ 61621.5
bid: 0.86 @ 61620.0
bid: 0.248 @ 61619.6
current_timestamp: 1723161901500000000
ask: 1.397 @ 61584.0
ask: 0.832 @ 61585.1
ask: 0.132 @ 61586.0
bid: 3.307 @ 61583.9
bid: 0.01 @ 61583.8
bid: 0.002 @ 61582.0
Efficient Market Depth Access
provides more efficient market depth access through a vector that holds a limited price range of interest. The backtester using this feature can be created by ROIVectorMarketDepthBacktest
from numba import njit
def print_3depth_fast(hbt):
roi_lb_tick = int(round(30000 / 0.1))
roi_ub_tick = int(round(90000 / 0.1))
while hbt.elapse(60_000_000_000) == 0:
print('current_timestamp:', hbt.current_timestamp)
# Gets the market depth for the first asset, in the same order as when you created the backtest.
depth = hbt.depth(0)
# a key of bid_depth or ask_depth is price in ticks.
# (integer) price_tick = price / tick_size
i = 0
# for price_tick in range(depth.best_ask_tick, depth.best_ask_tick + 100):
# # depth.ask_depth returns the ask depth array, whose length is (roi_ub_tick + 1 - roi_lb_tick),
# # containing the quantities ranging from roi_lb_tick to roi_ub_tick.
# # Checks that the price_tick is in that range and adjust the index by subtracting roi_lb_tick.
# if price_tick < roi_lb_tick or price_tick > roi_ub_tick:
# continue
# t = price_tick - roi_lb_tick
# qty = depth.ask_depth[t]
# if qty > 0:
# print(
# 'ask: ',
# qty,
# '@',
# np.round(price_tick * depth.tick_size, 1)
# )
# i += 1
# if i == 3:
# break
# i = 0
# for price_tick in range(depth.best_bid_tick, max(depth.best_bid_tick - 100, 0), -1):
# # depth.bid_depth returns the bid depth array, whose length is (roi_ub_tick + 1 - roi_lb_tick),
# # containing the quantities ranging from roi_lb_tick to roi_ub_tick.
# # Checks that the price_tick is in that range and adjust the index by subtracting roi_lb_tick.
# if price_tick < roi_lb_tick or price_tick > roi_ub_tick:
# continue
# t = price_tick - roi_lb_tick
# qty = depth.bid_depth[t]
# if qty > 0:
# print(
# 'bid: ',
# qty,
# '@',
# np.round(price_tick * depth.tick_size, 1)
# )
# i += 1
# if i == 3:
# break
return True
from hftbacktest import ROIVectorMarketDepthBacktest
asset = (
.constant_latency(10_000_000, 10_000_000)
.trading_value_fee_model(0.0002, 0.0007)
# Sets the lower bound price for the range of interest in the market depth.
# Sets the upper bound price for the range of interest in the market depth.
hbt = ROIVectorMarketDepthBacktest([asset])
#_ = hbt.close()
current_timestamp: 1723161661500000000
current_timestamp: 1723161721500000000
current_timestamp: 1723161781500000000
current_timestamp: 1723161841500000000
current_timestamp: 1723161901500000000
Order Book Imbalance
def orderbookimbalance(hbt, out):
roi_lb_tick = int(round(30000 / 0.1))
roi_ub_tick = int(round(90000 / 0.1))
while hbt.elapse(10 * 1e9) == 0:
depth = hbt.depth(0)
mid_price = (depth.best_bid + depth.best_ask) / 2.0
sum_ask_qty_50bp = 0.0
sum_ask_qty = 0.0
for price_tick in range(depth.best_ask_tick, roi_ub_tick + 1):
if price_tick < roi_lb_tick or price_tick > roi_ub_tick:
t = price_tick - roi_lb_tick
ask_price = price_tick * depth.tick_size
depth_from_mid = (ask_price - mid_price) / mid_price
if depth_from_mid > 0.01:
sum_ask_qty += depth.ask_depth[t]
if depth_from_mid <= 0.005:
sum_ask_qty_50bp = sum_ask_qty
sum_bid_qty_50bp = 0.0
sum_bid_qty = 0.0
for price_tick in range(depth.best_bid_tick, roi_lb_tick - 1, -1):
if price_tick < roi_lb_tick or price_tick > roi_ub_tick:
t = price_tick - roi_lb_tick
bid_price = price_tick * depth.tick_size
depth_from_mid = (mid_price - bid_price) / mid_price
if depth_from_mid > 0.01:
sum_bid_qty += depth.bid_depth[t]
if depth_from_mid <= 0.005:
sum_bid_qty_50bp = sum_bid_qty
imbalance_50bp = sum_bid_qty_50bp - sum_ask_qty_50bp
imbalance_1pct = sum_bid_qty - sum_ask_qty
imbalance_tob = depth.bid_depth[depth.best_bid_tick - roi_lb_tick] - depth.ask_depth[depth.best_ask_tick - roi_lb_tick]
out.append((hbt.current_timestamp, imbalance_tob, imbalance_50bp, imbalance_1pct))
return True
from numba.typed import List
from numba.types import Tuple, float64
hbt = ROIVectorMarketDepthBacktest([asset])
tup_ty = Tuple((float64, float64, float64, float64))
out = List.empty_list(tup_ty, allocated=100_000)
orderbookimbalance(hbt, out)
_ = hbt.close()
import polars as pl
df = pl.DataFrame(out).transpose()
df.columns = ['Local Timestamp', 'TOB Imbalance', '0.5% Imbalance', '1% Imbalance']
df = df.with_columns(
pl.from_epoch('Local Timestamp', time_unit='ns')
shape: (30, 4)
Local Timestamp | TOB Imbalance | 0.5% Imbalance | 1% Imbalance |
datetime[ns] | f64 | f64 | f64 |
2024-08-09 00:00:11.500 | 2.729 | -1748.101 | -3908.736 |
2024-08-09 00:00:21.500 | 4.623 | -1749.435 | -3512.845 |
2024-08-09 00:00:31.500 | -6.465 | -1259.897 | -3357.755 |
2024-08-09 00:00:41.500 | -7.922 | -1174.185 | -3471.955 |
2024-08-09 00:00:51.500 | -2.484 | -1147.597 | -3461.48 |
… | … | … | … |
2024-08-09 00:04:21.500 | 3.828 | -1186.236 | -3551.78 |
2024-08-09 00:04:31.500 | -1.35 | -1332.379 | -3517.854 |
2024-08-09 00:04:41.500 | -3.754 | -1166.521 | -2693.672 |
2024-08-09 00:04:51.500 | -2.525 | -1188.56 | -2716.914 |
2024-08-09 00:05:01.500 | 1.91 | -594.991 | -2138.82 |
import holoviews as hv
df.plot(x='Local Timestamp')
Display last trades between the step
from hftbacktest import BUY_EVENT
def print_trades(hbt):
while hbt.elapse(60 * 1e9) == 0:
print('current_timestamp:', hbt.current_timestamp)
# Gets the last trades occurring in the market, not the trades of our orders.
last_trades = hbt.last_trades(0)
num = 0
for last_trade in last_trades:
if num > 10:
'buy' if (last_trade.ev & BUY_EVENT) == BUY_EVENT else 'sell',
num += 1
# To prevent accumulating all last trades, which may cause a slowdown,
# clear_last_trades needs to be called.
# After this, accessing `last_trades` will cause a crash.
return True
asset = (
.constant_latency(10_000_000, 10_000_000)
.trading_value_fee_model(0.0002, 0.0007)
# To retrieve the last trades, `last_trades_capacity` should be set.
hbt = ROIVectorMarketDepthBacktest([asset])
_ = hbt.close()
current_timestamp: 1723161661500000000
exch_timestamp: 1723161602372000000 buy 0.489 @ 61659.8
exch_timestamp: 1723161602372000000 buy 0.198 @ 61659.8
exch_timestamp: 1723161602372000000 buy 0.006 @ 61659.8
exch_timestamp: 1723161602372000000 buy 0.002 @ 61659.8
exch_timestamp: 1723161602372000000 buy 0.003 @ 61659.8
exch_timestamp: 1723161602372000000 buy 0.011 @ 61659.8
exch_timestamp: 1723161602372000000 buy 0.238 @ 61659.8
exch_timestamp: 1723161602372000000 buy 0.007 @ 61659.8
exch_timestamp: 1723161602372000000 buy 0.005 @ 61659.8
exch_timestamp: 1723161602372000000 buy 0.003 @ 61659.8
exch_timestamp: 1723161602372000000 buy 0.002 @ 61659.8
current_timestamp: 1723161721500000000
exch_timestamp: 1723161661697000000 sell 0.002 @ 61594.1
exch_timestamp: 1723161661724000000 sell 0.002 @ 61594.1
exch_timestamp: 1723161661751000000 buy 0.135 @ 61594.2
exch_timestamp: 1723161661806000000 sell 1.328 @ 61594.1
exch_timestamp: 1723161661806000000 sell 0.002 @ 61594.1
exch_timestamp: 1723161661806000000 sell 0.002 @ 61594.1
exch_timestamp: 1723161661806000000 sell 0.002 @ 61594.1
exch_timestamp: 1723161661806000000 sell 0.006 @ 61594.1
exch_timestamp: 1723161661806000000 sell 0.32 @ 61594.1
exch_timestamp: 1723161661806000000 sell 0.032 @ 61594.1
exch_timestamp: 1723161661806000000 sell 1.208 @ 61594.1
current_timestamp: 1723161781500000000
exch_timestamp: 1723161721541000000 sell 0.002 @ 61576.5
exch_timestamp: 1723161721574000000 buy 0.012 @ 61576.6
exch_timestamp: 1723161721578000000 sell 0.003 @ 61576.5
exch_timestamp: 1723161721583000000 buy 0.275 @ 61576.6
exch_timestamp: 1723161721583000000 buy 0.469 @ 61576.6
exch_timestamp: 1723161721585000000 buy 0.095 @ 61576.6
exch_timestamp: 1723161721585000000 buy 0.102 @ 61576.6
exch_timestamp: 1723161721585000000 buy 0.197 @ 61576.6
exch_timestamp: 1723161721586000000 buy 0.13 @ 61576.6
exch_timestamp: 1723161721587000000 buy 0.425 @ 61576.6
exch_timestamp: 1723161721587000000 buy 0.324 @ 61576.6
current_timestamp: 1723161841500000000
exch_timestamp: 1723161781628000000 sell 0.026 @ 61629.6
exch_timestamp: 1723161781727000000 buy 0.011 @ 61629.7
exch_timestamp: 1723161781727000000 buy 0.05 @ 61629.7
exch_timestamp: 1723161781727000000 buy 0.006 @ 61629.7
exch_timestamp: 1723161781727000000 buy 0.002 @ 61629.7
exch_timestamp: 1723161781727000000 buy 0.007 @ 61629.7
exch_timestamp: 1723161781727000000 buy 0.002 @ 61629.7
exch_timestamp: 1723161781727000000 buy 0.075 @ 61629.7
exch_timestamp: 1723161781727000000 buy 0.065 @ 61629.7
exch_timestamp: 1723161781727000000 buy 0.247 @ 61629.7
exch_timestamp: 1723161781727000000 buy 0.002 @ 61629.7
current_timestamp: 1723161901500000000
exch_timestamp: 1723161841561000000 buy 0.01 @ 61621.6
exch_timestamp: 1723161841561000000 buy 0.006 @ 61621.6
exch_timestamp: 1723161841561000000 buy 0.002 @ 61621.6
exch_timestamp: 1723161841561000000 buy 0.022 @ 61621.6
exch_timestamp: 1723161841561000000 buy 0.097 @ 61621.6
exch_timestamp: 1723161841561000000 buy 0.024 @ 61621.6
exch_timestamp: 1723161841564000000 buy 0.024 @ 61621.6
exch_timestamp: 1723161841564000000 buy 0.014 @ 61621.6
exch_timestamp: 1723161841565000000 buy 0.003 @ 61621.6
exch_timestamp: 1723161841613000000 buy 0.002 @ 61622.5
exch_timestamp: 1723161841613000000 buy 0.003 @ 61622.6
Rolling Volume-Weighted Average Price
def rolling_vwap(hbt, out):
buy_amount_bin = np.zeros(100_000, np.float64)
buy_qty_bin = np.zeros(100_000, np.float64)
sell_amount_bin = np.zeros(100_000, np.float64)
sell_qty_bin = np.zeros(100_000, np.float64)
idx = 0
last_trade_price = np.nan
while hbt.elapse(10 * 1e9) == 0:
last_trades = hbt.last_trades(0)
for last_trade in last_trades:
if (last_trade.ev & BUY_EVENT) == BUY_EVENT:
buy_amount_bin[idx] += last_trade.px * last_trade.qty
buy_qty_bin[idx] += last_trade.qty
sell_amount_bin[idx] += last_trade.px * last_trade.qty
sell_qty_bin[idx] += last_trade.qty
idx += 1
if idx >= 1:
vwap10sec = np.divide(
buy_amount_bin[idx - 1] + sell_amount_bin[idx - 1],
buy_qty_bin[idx - 1] + sell_qty_bin[idx - 1]
vwap10sec = np.nan
if idx >= 6:
vwap1m = np.divide(
np.sum(buy_amount_bin[idx - 6:idx]) + np.sum(sell_amount_bin[idx - 6:idx]),
np.sum(buy_qty_bin[idx - 6:idx]) + np.sum(sell_qty_bin[idx - 6:idx])
buy_vwap1m = np.divide(np.sum(buy_amount_bin[idx - 6:idx]), np.sum(buy_qty_bin[idx - 6:idx]))
sell_vwap1m = np.divide(np.sum(sell_amount_bin[idx - 6:idx]), np.sum(sell_qty_bin[idx - 6:idx]))
vwap1m = np.nan
buy_vwap1m = np.nan
sell_vwap1m = np.nan
out.append((hbt.current_timestamp, vwap10sec, vwap1m, buy_vwap1m, sell_vwap1m))
return True
hbt = ROIVectorMarketDepthBacktest([asset])
tup_ty = Tuple((float64, float64, float64, float64, float64))
out = List.empty_list(tup_ty, allocated=100_000)
rolling_vwap(hbt, out)
_ = hbt.close()
df = pl.DataFrame(out).transpose()
df.columns = ['Local Timestamp', '10-sec VWAP', '1-min VWAP', '1-min Buy VWAP', '1-min Sell VWAP']
df = df.with_columns(
pl.from_epoch('Local Timestamp', time_unit='ns')
shape: (30, 5)
Local Timestamp | 10-sec VWAP | 1-min VWAP | 1-min Buy VWAP | 1-min Sell VWAP |
datetime[ns] | f64 | f64 | f64 | f64 |
2024-08-09 00:00:11.500 | 61687.182976 | NaN | NaN | NaN |
2024-08-09 00:00:21.500 | 61709.337576 | NaN | NaN | NaN |
2024-08-09 00:00:31.500 | 61697.538054 | NaN | NaN | NaN |
2024-08-09 00:00:41.500 | 61663.958879 | NaN | NaN | NaN |
2024-08-09 00:00:51.500 | 61637.340621 | NaN | NaN | NaN |
… | … | … | … | … |
2024-08-09 00:04:21.500 | 61643.009847 | 61624.459011 | 61626.495542 | 61622.549429 |
2024-08-09 00:04:31.500 | 61670.795685 | 61635.877251 | 61638.362314 | 61632.48854 |
2024-08-09 00:04:41.500 | 61643.108582 | 61641.846489 | 61648.672337 | 61636.032054 |
2024-08-09 00:04:51.500 | 61614.723569 | 61640.490841 | 61647.769844 | 61634.372128 |
2024-08-09 00:05:01.500 | 61584.697467 | 61637.334102 | 61642.209551 | 61632.12064 |
df.plot(x='Local Timestamp')